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Learning & Inspiration
  • 13 Facts You Should Know About JethroMoses' father-in-law who gave up everything to find G-d in the desert. Read More
  • Women at SinaiWhy the
    difference between women and men when it comes to teaching the Torah?
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Candle Lighting Times
Athens, GA 30605
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Feb. 13
Daily Thought
The natural tendency is to treat matters of the spirit as luxury items—sort of an appendage to life. Eating, sleeping, making money—these things are given priority, and the time dedicated to them is sacrosanct. But prayer, meditation and study fit in only when you feel like it, and are pushed aside on the slightest whim. You’ve got to make your priorities faithful to your inner self. You’ve got to ask yourself if this is what your life is all...