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We are a place where every Jew is family, a home where everyone is welcome - regardless of affiliation or level of knowledge. Our sole purpose is to create a warm welcoming environment to explore and experience our heritage and Judaism's warm and relevant spiritual inspirations in a non-judgmental and inviting atmosphere.
Learning & Inspiration
  • Marking 60 Years Since the Passing of Rebbetzin ChanaThe mother of the Rebbe passed away on 6 Tishrei, 1964 Read More
  • What Can You Learn From the Letter Yud?The tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet Read More
  • “Lekach” Honey Cake for Before the Yom Kippur Fast Read More
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Shabbat & Holidays
Candle Lighting Times
Athens, GA 30605
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Shabbat/Holiday/Fast Ends
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Oct. 11 - Oct. 12
Daily Thought
On such a holy, beautiful day, why do we recite a list of sins again and again? Because one day of the year is not enough. We wish our souls to be united with her Beloved every day of the year. So we read out loud through this list, and one by one, through G-d’s great kindness and love for us, the stains on the clothing of our souls fade away. Then we rise higher, into a yet more intense light in which the stains can still be detected. And so we repeat the list again. Until, by the end of Yom Kippur, we enter the new year in...