We are a place where every Jew is family, a home where everyone is welcome - regardless of affiliation or level of knowledge. Our sole purpose is to create a warm welcoming environment to explore and experience our heritage and Judaism's warm and relevant spiritual inspirations in a non-judgmental and inviting atmosphere.
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Shabbat & Holidays
Candle Lighting Times
Athens, GA 30605
Light Candles at
Shabbat Ends
Daily Thought
Do you want to make miracles? It’s not so hard.
Let’s say you see someone’s faults and you truly want to help—whether it be a friend, a spouse, your child or even your nemesis.
Don’t say a word about what you have found wrong. Instead, find something wondrous about that person, perhaps something that nobody ever mentions. Talk about it—to yourself, and to those who will listen and sympathize.
In very little time, you will see such a new person, you...